We help organizations get smarter on energy transition through our data platform and related insights. Occasionally, we'll do some concierge consulting.
We started with a newsletter. Then, we launched a podcast. Now, we're curating news. It's all free, for now.
(If you like memes, we toss those in too.)
We've curated the most comprehensive and relevant database on energy transition deals and announcements. (And yes, if you care, we use AI)
Our platform was designed for users to get in and out. As in, 10 minutes before that big meeting you forgot to prep for...
We've tagged just about everything
We've curated the database so you don't have to scan the noise
We've charted and mapped it out so you don't have to
Everything you need to know without opening another tab.
Receive customized updates so you're in the know about exactly what you need.
Too lazy to filter? No problem. Try our AI powered search to get your answer.